Marketing Your Firm

Importance Of Mock-Ups
Mock-ups or sample slabs are almost always required on high profile and commercial projects by the architect,...
Clark Branum
Web Sites that Work! Marketing Machines…
Web sites are a marketing tool and a timesaver for concrete contractors that never sleep, they operate...
Why People Buy Decorative Concrete
Decorative concrete is booming, but a close examination of the reasons decorative concrete is booming...
Marketing 101 - It All Starts With You, the Owner
The culture of your marketing plan/company (it’s hard to disengage the two), starts with you the owner....
Picturing Your Work: Tips for Hiring a Professional Architectural Photographer
The word "photography" is derived from two Greek words, meaning "light" and "stylus" or "paintbrush,"...
Juliet Farmer
Showrooms to Market Decorative Concrete
A showroom is an ultra-effective method of marketing/selling decorative concrete work. A showroom is...
11 Tips to Capturing the Perfect Digital Photo—It’s Easier Than You Think
Matthew Yrigoyen, professional photographer and owner of Edenstone, a landscape design/build company...
Juliet Farmer
What’s A Picture Worth to You and Your Customers?
Often, one of the challenges decorative concrete contractors face is selling a job that can cost in the...
The First Rule of Marketing… is Your Product and Service Any Good?
The majority of concrete contractors have the quality of their product down. They can build a tilt-up...
Investing in Your Future – Establishing a Marketing Budget
The marketing decisions made upon starting your business can have a profound effect on the success of...
Additional Resources

The Concrete Network Concrete info, pictures, products and job referrals

Landscaping Network Landscape design ideas and pictures

Decorative Concrete Resources

Concrete Countertops Articles, photos & designs about concrete counters

Concrete Floors Photo galleries and information

Stained Concrete Hot trends, photos, videos and articles on concrete staining